AKA X [3]
21 AVRIL 2017
BCK (Fr)
Sascii (Fr)
Jean-François Blanquet (Fr)
Valentina Vuksic (Ch),
Jan Kees Van Kampen (Nl)
Artkillart will be visiting the fantastic De Player in Rotterdam for its third step towards the X tour.
URL : De Player
BCK is the confrontation of a modular synthesis system and digitally saturated sinusoidal waves that merge together as powerful frequencies. From this encounter between voltage-controlled modulation and digital synthesis, BCK seeks to build an acoustic space whose structure emerges and stabilizes progressively, according to the interferences and interactions between the sonic waves that confront, add up, or neutralize each other. nimon.org/bck
Sascii : A visual artist at Dokidoki Studio (Paris) founded in 2001, DJ (aka Sascii), Sylvie Astié has conceived and designed the www.no-text.net website which features original ringtones that commissioned from artists on the alternative electro scene. Büro collective (producer of alternative electronic music concerts), is also very much involved in the current visual arts scene, in digital video (Pokipoki project – cinetic videomix) and in an original approach to karaoke (« Orchestre vide »). dokidoki.fr
Jean-François Blanquet carries out a sound and visual search with the help of several processes such as the transmission/wave reception (radio, infrared, wifi) the electronic feedback and larsen (mixer + effects, computer, speaker + microphone), modified and appropriation of audio and video objects (circuit-bending), voice and cut-up (work on text, words and language). He seeks in noise and instability, an opening to an adventure of the senses. The body as central presence in the live act, he recycles and hijacks the technology which surround us, he develops process involving loops, larsens, re-injections of the signal and other chain reaction devices, surfing with luck for new adventure, a formulation occurs. Go forward without any hang ups, to an aesthetic of confusion! Acts alone or with poets, video makers and musicians, working with dance, theater, and involves in multidisciplinary projects. cromix.xyz
Valentina Vuksic(Zurich, Switzerland), 1974, media artist and software developer, engages with the physical foundations of technological systems by audifying computing environments. Her artistic activities since 2008 are encompassed by « Tripping Through Runtime » performances and settings. Since 2012, artistic research assistant for the ‘Computer Signals: Art and Biology in the Age of Digital Experimentation’ project by Hannes Rickli at Zurich University of the Arts. trippingthroughruntime.net
Jan Kees Van Kampen will perform « Accelerating the Tractor » The Lorenz attractor is a kind of (chaotic) dynamical system as observed in nature, and here represent the continuity and hidden order. Cellular Automata are discrete (step-wise) rule-based models for computation, and represent the discrete. It has been proposed that CA may be at the heart of our (computable) universe, ie. the smallest building block of life. In Accelerate a Tractor, the interaction of CA and attractor results in a variety of signals, which are then made audible. 0x56.net
All infos on De Player