Catégorie : Featured Medium

  • Succession of timbres with one partial in common

    Succession of timbres with one partial in common


    Sébastien Roux
    Succession of Timbres With one Partial in Common
    AKR 03, 2019

    1 LP 33rpm, 300ex
    Text by Anne Zeitz
    Translation by Harold Schellinx
    Copy Editing by Annie Buneker
    Mastering by Giuseppe Ielasi
    Graphic design: Jean-Baptiste Parré
    Master : Giuseppe Ielasi
    Cut : Hervé de Kéroulas, DK
    Pressing: R.a.n.d

    With the support of FRAC Franche-comté


    In 2016, Sébastien Roux presents Succession of timbres with one partial in
    common as part of the exhibition Max Feed – Work and Heritage of Max Neuhaus, organized by Daniele Balit at Frac Franche-Comté. The title refers to and summarizes two sentences written by Neuhaus in the text that accompanies the drawing, and thus immediately reveals the influence of the Southwest Stairwell works – the experience of the staircase and that of Neuhaus’ drawing. It is a sound installation for a set of six loudspeakers that are perfectly aligned and equally spaced over a distance of ten meters along a wall. Also here, the work is based on a succession of timbres. But Roux pushes the concept of succession and Neuhaus’s description of this principle to a new height in a drastically systematic composition:

    “The basis for the upcoming timbre is a partial of the previous one. Each speaker represents a partial, a timbre is fully formed and complete when the six speakers are active. Once the full timbre has been maintained for about ten seconds, the partials disappear again, one after the other. The last partial that remains then serves as a basis for the construction of a new timbre.”

    (…) Be it in a different manner, our hearing also is underlined in Roux’s work because we get the impression that we are able to indeed grasp the movement within the tones that have been flattened out before our eyes and ears. The focus on the construction of the different timbres is accompanied by the perception of their constant and gradual modification, in which the sounds never cease to elude us. This refined listening, which implies an awareness of the fleetingness of the projected sounds, thus becomes spatial as well as temporal. If Roux proposes, like Neuhaus, a certain re-focusing as part of our hearing, in its relation between form and concept, Succession of timbres with one partial in common differentiates itself from Southwest Stairwell. While Neuhaus insists on an indeterminate perceptual experience and refuses any explanation of the work, Roux provides us with the keys to decipher the construction of his piece through all the elements that constitute it: title, installation, composition, drawings. The sonic and even musical relationships – within the piece as well as between Roux’s work and that of Neuhaus – are indeed reflected through these different elements and the ways in which they refer to each other. On the other hand, it is impossible to detach our listening experience from our reflection on the concept of the work, which in turn refers back to the work on which it is based.

    Excerpts from the text of Anne Zeitz

  • { Press }

    { Press }


    – Side A: Galvanic (4mn03s), Pressing (9mn10s), Packaging (7mn09s)
    – Side B: 33 revolutions

    Press completes a “mechanist” trilogy, started by Pali Meursault with Offset in 2013 and Mécanes in 2016. Following the investigation of gestures and machines cycles in printing and letterpress workshops, this new work is a mise en abyme of the record as an object, created from field recordings of a vinyl record pressing plant: Rand Muzik in Leipzig.

    Composed in the studios of GRM, Press is a piece of industrial musique concrète. The microphonic explorations of factory noises, as “byproducts” of the fabrication process, reveal the pulsations, rhythms, frequencies and sequences of an electroacoustic matter that seem to be already pointing to industrial and electronic music. Noise is apprehended as a social and cultural phenomenon, which attests of both a production process and an auditory culture.

    The piece fills the first side of the record with three “movements” that correspond to the three main stages of the record fabrication: electrotyping, pressing, and packaging.
    The second side is a deconstruction of the first one, presenting 33 locked groves. The medium conditions the shape of sound by imposing the never-ending repetition of the 1.8 seconds in take to complete a rotation.

    Sound matter recorded in the R.A.N.D. muzik pressing plant in Leipzig. Music composed in the studios of GRM in Paris. Lacquer cut at DK Mastering by Hervé de Kéroullas.

    Thanks to François Bonnet, Jan Freund, and Víctor Mazón Gardoqui.

    Limited edition of 300 copies manufactured at R.A.N.D. muzik and co-released by Universinternational & Artkillart — Ui024 + AKA16


    About Pali Meursault

    Pali Meursault’s electroacoustic research turns into compositions for records, radio pieces, installations, or performances. His approach uses field recordings, inherits from musique concrète, and explores the sound environment to its audible limits: infra et ultrasounds, and electromagnetic phenomena. For over 15 years, he has been carrying his microphones and antenna to industrial and urban places, alpine glaciers or amazonian forests. His last works capture the sounds of workplaces, confronts animal communication and electromagnetic fields, or reveal the hidden sound environment of datacenters.

    He is also involved in many collaborations with collectives (∏-Node, Ici-Même), other musicians (Lee Patterson, Frédéric Nogray, Nicolas Montgermont, Alice Q.) or filmmakers (Lise Fisher, Naïs Van Laer). Alonside these activities, he teaches and writes about sound art, he is responsible for the recent french publication of an anthology of radioart pioneer Tetsuo Kogawa.



  • La capture de l’inaudible

    La capture de l’inaudible

    Software Edition on SD card
    Silkscreen booklet, including a text by Jonathan Sterne
    192 ex.


    La capture de l’inaudible, conceived by Matthieu Saladin, is the edition of a software acting like a reverse mp3 encoder. Where a classical mp3 encoder removes inaudible frequencies to reduce the size of an audio file, the reverse encoder gives these frequencies to listen, removing what the mp3 format usually keeps.

    The software comes on a SD card, going along a booklet with a selection of texts on the inaudible, and a text written by Jonathan Sterne.

    The SD card contains also the whole Artkillart catalog, re-encoded with Matthieu Saladin’s software.

    Tracks created with the software can be archived online, only on user’s request, and participate to the constitution of a global inaudible library.



    Matthieu Saladin is an artist and associate professor in visual art at University Paris 8 (TEAMeD / AI-AC). He is in charge of the Labex Arts H2H project Factory of sound art. He is the editor of the series Ohcetecho (Presses du réel), the chief editor of TACET, Sound in the Arts and collaborates with journals such as Volume! and Revue & Corrigée. His practice takes place in a conceptual approach and often uses sound. He is interested in the production of spaces, the history of artistic forms and creative process, and in the relationships between art and society from a political and economic point of view. His work is represented by the gallery Salle Principale.

    Production : Synesthésie ¬ MMAINTENANT, Accès)s(, DICRéAM, Artkillart
    Graphic design : Jean-Baptiste Parré
    Software : Ianis Lallemand
    Texts : Jonathan Sterne et Matthieu Saladin
