MAY 31st, 2020, 5PM CEST
on ∏
Paris DAB+ 204.640 9A
& Mulhouse DAB+ 222.064 11B
& world wide web
To celebrate { PRESS } – Pali Meursault’s forthcoming release, Artkillart and Universinternational labels organise a series of concerts, performances and discussions on May 31st, 2020, 5PM CEST on ∏-Node
With : DinahBird, François Bonnet, Yann Leguay, Pali Meursault, Jean-Philippe Renoult, Samon Takahashi, Anne Zeitz, JD Zazie.

17h . Pali Meursault, { PRESS }, Mécanes, Offset – Pantin, FR
18h . François Bonnet aka Kassel Jaeger, GRM – Paris, FR
19h . Anne Zeitz, discussion w/ Jan Thoben – Paris/Berlin, FR/DE
20h . DinahBird & JP Renoult, Antenna Gods in Radius Decade – Paris, FR
21h . Yann Leguay, Dead Media – Brussels, BE
22h . JD Zazie, Memory Loss – Berlin, DE
23h . DJ Also Known As [aka] Artkillart DJ – Paris, FR
00h . Samon Takahashi, anarchives mixtapes special – Paris, FR
DinahBird & JP Renoult
DinahBird is a sound and radio artist living and working in Paris. Her practice question the notion of diffusion, transmission and memory and is highly responsive to place. Her work includes broadcasts, soundworks, installations and audio publications that are often inspired by early communication technologies and archives. Current interests include old weather, shellac and high frequency trading. Her creations have been played on BBCRadio4, France Culture’s Atelier de Création Radiophonique, Resonance FM, Kunst Radio, through the Radia network, and have been presented at radio festivals in over twenty-five countries around the world. She is presently employed by the Paris Museum of Modern Art to develop a programme of sound workshops with vulnerable people in correlation to the exhibitions.
Jean-Philippe Renoult * 1967 is a writer, radio producer and sound artist based in Paris. His work focuses on transmission, field recordings and environmental sounds, re-contextualisation of music loops, organic sounds drones compositions. He has worked as a radio producer for French public radio, including France Culture, for over fifteen years. Recent works include A.V.I.O.N, a radio installation inspired by the world of aeronautics and his ongoing audio grafitti project, Tag Audio Loops, which was selected for the Marl Media Art Award in Oct 2014 and now features over 120 recordings from all over Europe. His radio pieces have been played on Resonance FM, Kunst Radio, France Culture, ABC Classic, the Radia network and have been edited on the Deep Wireless, Vibrö, Aphasia and Subrosa labels. He currently teaches creative radio practices in Paris and has recently taken up the northern indian traditional instrument shruti box to his practice of drone music.
François J. Bonnet
François J. Bonnet is a Franco-Swiss composer and electroacoustic musician based in Paris. In addition to being Director of INA GRM, Bonnet is also a writer and theoretician (The Order of Sounds, a sonorous Archipelago, The Infra-World and After Death are published in English by Urbanomic). As a musician, Bonnet often works under the project name Kassel Jaeger. He has been collaborating with artists such as Oren Ambarchi, Giuseppe Ielasi, Stephan Mathieu, Stephen O’Malley, Jim O’Rourke, Akira Rabelais or James Rushford.
Kassel Jaeger’s works are a complex balance between concrète experimentalism, ambient noise, and electroacoustic improvisation. He has released several albums on various labels such as Editions Mego,Shelter Press,Black Truffle, Senufo Editions, Latency… His music has been played in renown venues and festivals all over the world such as Whitney Museum of American Art (US), Super Deluxe (JP), Atonal (DE), Accademia Chigiana (IT) Harvard Museum of Natural History (US), CTM (DE), SFEMF (US), El Nicho (MX), Ultima (NO), Elevate (AT) Madeiradig (PT), Donau Festival (AT)…
Yann Leguay
Thru sounds and objects, Yann Leguay focuses on the notions of dematerialization, the use of interfaces and everything about the materiality of memory. In his sound practice he was defined as a “media saboteur” by the Consumer Waste label, seeking to fold this materiality in on itself using basic means in the form of objects, music and performances. He has presented his work in many places and festivals all around Europe and further. Since 2007, he’s also producing installations, sculptures and editions that integrates a critical approach to the meaning of the technological evolution. In concerts he tries to push the boundaries of accepted norms of audio behavior, using uncommon machineries for the playback of audio media: opened hard-drives as turntables, an angle grinder as a microphone, the sound of the electricity on its own… His records release activity is equally unusual, releasing readable silkscreen records, a 7” single without a central hole, or a record composed from recordings of vinyl being scratched by scalpel. His Phonotopy label proposes a conceptual approach to recording media. His work has been published on many labels and books such as ArtKillArt, Vlek, Consumer Waste, Tanuki, Third Type Tapes, Insubordinations…
Pali Meursault
Pali Meursault’s electroacoustic research turns into compositions for records, radio pieces, installations, or performances. His approach uses field recordings, inherits from musique concrète, and explores the sound environment to its audible limits: infra and
ultrasounds, and electromagnetic phenomena.
For over 15 years, he has been carrying his microphones and antennae to industrial and
urban places, alpine glaciers or amazonian forests. His last works capture the sounds of
workplaces, confronts animal communication and electromagnetic fields, or reveal the
hidden sound environment of data centers.
He is also involved in many collaborations with collectives (TT-Node, Ici-Même), other
musicians (Lee Patterson & Frédéric Nogray for the trio FANT^MS ; Nicolas Montgermont
for Feral_Bands) or filmmakers (Lise Fisher, Naïs Van Laer…).
Alongside these activities, he teaches and writes about sound art, he is responsible for
the recent french publication of an anthology of radioart pioneer Tetsuo Kogawa.
Samon Takahashi
Samon Takahashi is a French visual artist and musician. He lives and works in Paris. He has previously exhibited at e.g. the Musée d’Art Moderne (Paris), Laxart (Los Angeles), ICA (London), De Vleeshal (Middelburg), Palais de Tokyo (Paris), Spiral Wacoal Art Center (Tokyo), CNEAI (Chatou), and MNAC (Bucharest). He is a founding member of the mobile laboratory OuUnPo since 2009, a founding member of the improvised music band GOL since 1989 and is hosting the radio show Epsilonia on Radio Libertaire (Paris) since 1993.
JD Zazie
JD Zazie is an experimental DJ, avant-turntablist and sound artist living between Berlin and Bolzano.
Coming from a DJ and a radiophonic background JD Zazie has explored over the years different approaches of real-time manipulation on fixed recorded sound. In her work she redefines DJ and electroacoustic activities. As a solo performer, in small groups or large ensembles she moves in an area which is constantly stretching the borders of what is supposed to be DJ mixing, free improvisation and composed music.
Intended as music instruments CDjs, turntables and mixer are her tools to mix the specific sound-sources she plays (mostly electronic music, electroacoustic music, musique concrète, field recordings and improvised music).
The typology of the sound-sources varies from already existing audio publications and sound effects, to self recorded audio files – as live-set and field-recordings -, to selected pre-mixed material. Juxtaposition, decontextualization, fragmentation, repetition, sonic texture, scratch and error are elements of the grammar adopted to relate, organize and rearrange the sound material.
In her sound installations she explores everyday life, refers to urbanism and relates to sound atmosphere.
Anne Zeitz
Anne Zeitz is a researcher and artist working with photography, video, and sound media. Born in Berlin in 1980, she lives and works in Paris. Her research focuses on mechanisms of surveillance and mass media, theories of observation and attention, and practices of counter-observation in contemporary art. Her doctoral thesis (University Paris 8/ Esthétique, Sciences et Technologies des Arts, dissertation defence November 2014) is entitled (Counter-)observations, Relations of Observation and Surveillance in Contemporary Art, Literature and Cinema. Anne Zeitz was responsible for organizing the project Movement-Observation-Control (2007/2008) for the Goethe-Institut Paris and collaborated on the exhibition and conference Armed Response (2008) at the Goethe-Institut Johannesburg. She is a former member of the Observatoire des nouveaux médias (Paris 8/Ensad) and of the research project Média Médiums (Université Paris 8, ENSAPC, EnsadLAB, Archives Nationales, 2013/2014). Her most recent research concentrates on the work of the American artist Max Neuhaus with the publication of De Max-Feed a Radio Net (2014), part of the Média Médiums book series. She is the artist of this year’s Urban Photo Fest and participated at the Urban Encounters / Tate Britain in October 2014.