14th June 2019, 8PM
Synesthésie ¬ MMAINTENANT
Saint Denis

– Surprise remote-intervention by Jonathan Sterne (tbc)
– New performance by Matthieu Saladin
– Artkillart listenning session
– Live broadcast on ∏-Node radio


Jonathan Sterne: Deferred, surprise, distant intervention (tbc)
Jonathan Sterne’s work is concerned with the cultural dimensions of communication technologies, especially their form and role in large-scale societies. One of his major ongoing projects has involved developing the history and theory of sound in the modern west. Beyond the work on sound and music, he has published over fifty articles and book chapters that cover a wide range of topics in media history, new media, cultural theory and disability studies. He has also written on the politics of academic labor and maintains an interest in the future of the university. His new projects consider instruments and instrumentalities; histories of signal processing; and the intersections of disability, technology and perception.

Matthieu Saladin, performance : L’inaudible d’un centre d’art
Matthieu Saladin is an artist and associate professor in visual art at University Paris 8 (TEAMeD / AI-AC). He is in charge of the Labex Arts H2H project Factory of sound art. He is the editor of the series Ohcetecho (Presses du réel), the chief editor of TACET, Sound in the Arts and collaborates with journals such as Volume! and Revue & Corrigée. His practice takes place in a conceptual approach and often uses sound. He is interested in the production of spaces, the history of artistic forms and creative process, and in the relationships between art and society from a political and economic point of view. His work is represented by the gallery Salle Principale.

Listenning session, Artkillart.

∏-Node is an art collective dedicated to the development of a hybrid web/FM radio format. Through the interlinking of different tools, technologies and networks, a hybrid broadcast structure is set, where each of the network’s nodes (the π-boxes) serves both as transmitter and receiver. π-node as a collective effort, seeks to explore the many dimensions of radio: its physicality (ether, radio waves and the electromagnetic spectrum), its spatiality (bandwidth, frequencies), its infrastructures (networks of radio transmissions, receivers/emitters), its methods of production and editorial content management (programming boards/teams, recording studios), its history (free radio and pirate radio movements), and its legislation.

Thanks to:
Acces)s( (Pau), CNC-Dicréam for their support of this edition. Thanks to Ianis Lallemand, and to the team of Synesthésie, and to Jean-Baptiste Parré.

Synesthésie ¬ MMAINTENANT is an art center in Saint Denis.

8 passage de Jouy 93200 Saint-Denis
07 69 49 30 03‬‬ — mm [at]

Metro line 13: Basilique de Saint-Denis
RER D & H – Saint-Denis
Tram T1: Marché de Saint-Denis